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Forest Fire Breaks Out on University Campus in Samsun

A forest fire broke out on the Kurupelit Campus of the well-known Ondokuz Mayıs University in Samsun, Türkiye. The fire, which broke out across from the Faculty of Medicine on the campus, was immediately reported to the fire department.…

Official Ceremony Held in Samsun to Mark 19 May

An official ceremony was held in Türkiye's Samsun for the 105th anniversary of the 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth, and Sports Day. The ceremony began with laying wreaths at the Atatürk Monument, holding a moment of silence and the…

Prosecutor Photographs Türkiye’s Birds

Vedat Soğukpınar Public Prosecutor in Türkiye's Samsun province, photographed 350 of the 450 bird species in the country. The prosecutor, who mostly goes to Samsun Kızılırmak Delta for his wildlife photographing hobby, recorded not only the…

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