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Colorful Sunset Captivates Üsküdar, Istanbul

In Istanbul's Üsküdar district, the sunset formed a stunning scene with athletes canoeing, tourists riding water bikes, and citizens gathering to watch. The iconic Maiden's Tower, set against the crimson sky and reflected in the…

Hundreds of taxi drivers donated blood in Istanbul

Üsküdar Municipality in Istanbul city of Turkey launched a blood donation campaign, in which taxi drivers took the lead, in cooperation with the Red Crescent and Respect for Labor Platform. Hundreds of taxi drivers, who want to donate blood…

Sustaining wall collapsed onto cars in Istanbul

A sustaining wall in Valide Atik neighborhood of Üsküdar district, collapsed onto parked cars front of it, on Thursday at 06:00 PM. The sustaining wall of a house in ruined state collapsed after couldn't stand heavy rain in Istanbul,…

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