International Latest News Videos and Photos

The photograph of Lake Van taken by an astronaut from the Interantional Space Station is competing in the “Tournament Earth 2021” organized by NASA. While orbiting on the International Space Station, Astronaut Kate Rubins shot photograph of part of Lake Van in Turkey, which is the largest soda or alkaline lake on Earth. The photograph of the lake has reached the semifinals of the tournament.
Tournament Earth started with 32 photos taken by astronauts from the Interantional Space Station and now there are 4 photos which are stars in motion over the Americas, an alkaline Turkish lake, a towering cloud over the Bahamas, and starry skies over the Pacific. Voting in the semifinals started on March 29 and will end on April 5 at noon U.S. Eastern Time. The champion will be announced on April 13, 2021.

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