Upon the last attack of Russia on Ukraine’s Kyiv, that killed 1 and injured 11, hours before the new year, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shared another video. Stating that the Russian attack targeted Ukrainian civilians just before New Year’s Eve, Zelensky said “The terrorist state will not be forgiven. And those who give orders for such strikes, and those who carry them out, will not receive a pardon.”
The Ukrainian President also spoke in Russian to appeal to Russian citizens: “Your leader wants to show that he has the troops behind him and that he is ahead. But he is just hiding. He hides behind the troops, behind missiles, behind the walls of his residences and palaces. He hides behind you and burns your country and your future. No one will ever forgive you for terror. No one in the world will forgive you for this. Ukraine will never forgive. And you yourself will not forgive him everything that he will destroy and everyone whom he will kill.”