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“Transparency of Foreign Influence” Law Enacted in Georgia

The “Transparency of Foreign Influence” law, which has sparked protests over concerns it would restrict freedom of expression and suppress NGOs, came into force today. Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili signed the law this morning, according to a statement from the parliament.

Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze addressed the cabinet following the signing, asserting that the law strengthens Georgia’s sovereignty and security. “The law is now in force, and we all need to remain calm and put aside unnecessary emotions,” Kobakhidze stated. He dismissed critics, referring to them as using “liberal-fascist methods” and emphasizing that the law’s adoption should not be seen as a defeat for Georgia’s international partners.

“The adoption of the law is neither a victory for the government nor a defeat for those who oppose it,” he added. “We should view this as a step forward for our nation’s independence and stability.”

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