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Forty-six-year-old Turkish mountaineer named Hümeyra Yıkılmaz, continues to pursue her big dreams. Her mountaineering hobby started with her participation in the search and rescue association they founded after the Marmara earthquake in 1999 and later turned into a lifestyle. Yıkılmaz, who planted the Turkish flag on many high mountains in Türkiye and abroad, continues to be an inspiration source for other Turkish women.

Yıkımaz, who said to have climbed four mountains above 7000 meters, namely Samani Mountain, Mustagata Mountain, Peak Lenin Mountain and Khan Tengri Mountain, said that he aims to earn the “Snow Leopard” title given by the Russian Mountaineering Federation by climbing another mountain above 7000 meters and then climbing mountains of 8000 meters.

Uğur Eser – Onur Durmuş

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