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Turkmens Protest Kirkuk Elections

Turkmens in Kirkuk, Iraq, protested against recent local elections organized by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), saying they were excluded. Led by the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF), protesters called for proper representation, warning that stability in Kirkuk is impossible without it. They also rejected the newly elected leadership, urging the government to ensure fair inclusion of all ethnic groups.

On August 10, nine members of the Kirkuk Provincial Council, including five from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), three Arabs, and one Christian, met in Baghdad and elected PUK member Rebvar Taha as Governor of Kirkuk and Arab member Mohammed Hafez as President of the Provincial Assembly. Turkmen, Kurdistan Democratic Party members, and three Arab council members were excluded from the meeting. The Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITC) sought to annul the vote but was overruled by Iraqi President Abdullatif Rashid, who confirmed Taha’s appointment. This marks the first Kurdish governorship in Kirkuk since 2017. Recent local elections in Kirkuk resulted in Kurds securing 7 seats, Arabs 6, Turkmens 2, and Christians 1 in the Provincial Assembly.

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