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Underwater Photographer Captures Gallipoli Shipwrecks


Renowned underwater photographer Alex Dawson has documented the shipwrecks from the 109-year-old Gallipoli Wars in the ‘Gallipoli Historical Underwater Park’. These war wrecks, submerged off the coast of Çanakkale, form the first World War I-themed underwater park, preserving stories from one of history’s most intense battles.

The Historical Gallipoli Peninsula attracts thousands of visitors annually. Key landmarks such as the Martyrs’ Monument, Seyit Corporal Statue, 57th Infantry Regiment Martyrdom, Conkbayırı, Çanakkale Epic Promotion Center, Kilitbahir Castle, Bigalı Castle, and Seddülbahir Castle stand as testaments to the area’s rich history.

The Gallipoli Historical Site Directorate continues to honor the legacy of Çanakkale through new projects, aiming to share the spirit and epic of Gallipoli with an ever-growing audience.

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