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walnut tree with a trunk diameter of more than 9 meters discovered in Turkey

In addition to the 700-year-old juniper tree discovered by academics in Tunceli’s Pülümür district, the largest walnut tree with the largest trunk ever seen in Turkey was discovered. The study regarding trees will continue, and an application will be submitted to have the trees registered as monumental trees. The discovery of a walnut tree with a trunk diameter of 9 meters and 22 centimeters confirmed that this species is one of Anatolia’s native species.

Ahmet Demirtaş, a forest engineer, a member of the Rural Environment and Forestry Problems Research Association, who gave information about the walnut tree, said, “In the old literature, it was known that the walnut was actually a foreign species of Anatolia, it was brought from outside and multiplied. “It has also been determined that it grows naturally in the region where there is a forest. Therefore, it is one of the natural species of Anatolia and is long-lived. It is a type of tree whose fruit and wood we benefit from,” he said.

It is stated that the study of the trees that started 3 years ago will continue in the upcoming period.

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