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WHO: “Omicron is spreading at a rate we have not seen with any previous variant”

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus hold a media briefing about development of coronavirus (COVID-19), on Tuesday. “77 countries have now reported cases of Omicron, and the reality is that Omicron is probably in most countries, even if it hasn’t been detected yet. Omicron is spreading at a rate we have not seen with any previous variant, “Ghebreyesus said in his speech. Ghebreyesus told that he is worried due to people underestimate Omicron variant, and he emphasize that Omicron shouldn’t be underestimated. “Even if Omicron does cause less severe disease, the sheer number of cases could once again overwhelm unprepared health systems,” Ghebreyesus said.

He indicated that vaccines can’t rescue countries from crisis only by itself, Ghebreyesus underlined the importance of social distance, using mask, and hygiene. “I need to be very clear: vaccines alone will not get any country out of this crisis. Countries can – and must – prevent the spread of Omicron with measures that work today. It’s not vaccines instead of masks. It’s not vaccines instead of distancing. It’s not vaccines instead of ventilation or hand hygiene. Do it all. Do it consistently. Do it well,” he said. He also drew attention to another case that there are still big inequality in COVID-19 vaccination number between countries. “41 countries have still not been able to vaccinate 10% of their populations, and 98 countries have not reached 40%. We also see significant inequities between population groups in the same country. If we end inequity, we end the pandemic. If we allow inequity to continue, we allow the pandemic to continue,” Ghebreyesus said.

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