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The Etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus), known as the world’s smallest mammal, was spotted in the Çınar district of Diyarbakır. The rare creature, which weighs a maximum of 2-3 grams and is 2 centimeters long, was examined at the Dicle University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and then released back into nature.

“Suncus etruscuses eat very often. They consume almost one and a half to two times their own weight. They can die within a day if they do not eat. They are very important in ecological terms. These animals are insectivores. They are related to hedgehogs and moles. They mostly meet its nutritional needs with small invertebrates, larvae of some insects, and insects. They can even feed on grasshoppers that are their own size,” explained Prof. Dr. Alaettin Kaya.

Muhammet Hüseyin İçli – Yakup Ermiş

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