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Flamingos Arrive Türkiye’s Lake Erçek

Hundreds of flamingos, who stopped by the Lake Van basin in the city of Van in Türkiye amid their migration from Lake Urmia in Iran to African countries, covered Lake Erçek in white and purple.

“We expected the flamingos to arrive early due to the highest rainfall in the last 23 years this year but they arrived late. The reason for their late arrival needs to be investigated. It may be due to the fact that the winter was severe this year and the spring was cold, and the areas where they would feed were not ready. Or maybe they came here late because they were very comfortable in the region they were in.

The Lake Van basin is inhabited by approximately 250 of the approximately 450 bird species in the country.

Şükrü Akyüz – Ahmet Kavak

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