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Alex and Josh from the US fell in love with Baglama in Turkey

31 year-old Alex Kreger, studying faith studies at the University of Texas at Austin, US, and 28 year-old Josh Wainner, studying in Egypt, met with baglama and two-stringed jura while doing research on Alevism in Turkey. In the spring festival organized by Erzincan Yalınca Village Cem and Culture House, 2 US citizens both Alex and Josh played the baglama and were appreciated in Erzincan, Turkey.

“I am doing research on transferring Alevi music and Alevi belief to the younger generation through music. I am a musician from Winconsin, US. Although I have been playing the piano since I was 9 years old, my perspective on music changed when I met baglama at the Vienna Instrument Association. When I listened to Alevi – Bektashi music, I fell in love,” Alex said. Meanwhile, Josh noted that he met the baglama and learned to play thanks to his friend Alex.

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