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Ancient Battle Traces Uncovered in Türkiye


Archaeologists in Sardes, the ancient capital of the Lydian Kingdom, have uncovered significant traces of the Battle of Thymbra, a pivotal conflict between the Lydian Kingdom and the Persian Empire in 546 B.C. This battle, which led to the fall of the Lydian Kingdom and the Persian conquest of Western Anatolia, has left its mark in the form of two soldier skeletons discovered beneath a monumental city wall.

The remains, found during this year’s excavations in Manisa, Türkiye, belong to soldiers aged 20-25, likely from the defeated Lydian forces. The skeletons bear clear signs of battle, including sword injuries to the head and arms. Notably, a sling stone was found in the palm of one of the soldiers, suggesting their active engagement in the fight.

Excavation leader Prof. Dr. Nicholas Cahill remarked that these findings offer a rare glimpse into the aftermath of the historic battle, highlighting the brutal realities faced by the Lydian defenders. The discovery underscores the historical significance of Sardes, known as the birthplace of coinage, and adds to our understanding of the region’s ancient history.

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