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Ancient Tomb Discovered in Tharsa City Excavation in Türkiye


In Türkiye, archaeologists have discovered a new tomb during excavation and cleaning efforts in the ancient city of Tharsa, located near Kuyulu village on the Adıyaman-Şanlıurfa Highway, now known as Turuş Rock Tombs. This 2,000-year-old tomb, dating back to the Roman and Byzantine periods, features two bull heads (bucranium) and garland decorations at the entrance, with a rosette in the center. It comprises three arcosolia.

Tharsa Ancient City, home to 60 previously unearthed graves, continues to reveal new finds daily. Adıyaman Museum Deputy Director Mustafa Çelik explained that the site consists of three main archaeological areas: Big Mound, Small Mound, and Necropolis Area. Excavations in the necropolis area began in 2024, and the team recently added two more rock tombs to their discoveries. Çelik highlighted the goal of transforming Tharsa into a major tourist attraction.

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