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‘Ephesus’ of the Black Sea unearthed in Turkey’s Düzce

Excavations continue in the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium, which is located in the Konuralp District of Düzce, Turkey. The site is called the “Ephesus of the Western Black Sea”. Konuralp Prusias ad Hypium, which has been declared an Urban Archaeological Site by the Kocaeli Cultural Heritage Preservation Regional Board Directorate, will be a frequent destination for citizens after the excavations are over. There are structures such as the ancient theatre, city walls, aqueducts and Roman Bridge which dates back to the 3rd century BC. Archaeologists are working diligently to find artifacts and information about the period.

“There are many beautiful public buildings and temples from Rome era here. Our aim is to restore the structures and protect this area after the excavations. If we introduce our region, everyone will pay a visit. We can say that the excavations in Konuralp are better than the examples not only in Turkey but also around the world. We are working to reveal this different example in Turkey and bring it to tourism. As the theater in the Prusias Ad Hypium Ancient City is located in the settlement and between the houses, it will be one in Turkey when the restoration works are completed,” Duzce Municipality Culture Directorate Archaeologist Güldemet Yıldız Dursun stated.


Selçuk Akyol – Enes Bektaş

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