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In France, a Film Director named Shams started paragliding together with his 3-year-old Samoyed dog Ouka after giving it 1.5 months of flight training. Shams stated that they made their first flight in September 2021 and they have flown at least 10 times. Shams also told that he designed a special harness for Ouka to make his dog comfortable during flights. Commenting on the training process, Shams said, “The first thing I noticed is that Ouka was not afraid of heights. I started to play with my own glider to teach him that it’s okay, it’s not scary and he was super fine with it. After that we checked he was okay to wear a special harness for flaying. So I teach him to come between my legs on my command.”

Sharing the flight footage on social media, Shams stated that he received many positive feedbacks. “I think the first video we made reached 150 million views. For most people in the world, it’s totally surprising,” Shams said.

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