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Russia withdraws from Snake Island in the Black Sea

Russian Ministry of Defense made a statement about the latest situation of the Ukraine war. “On June 30, as a goodwill gesture, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation finished fulfilling the assigned tasks in Snake Island and withdrew the garrison that had been operating there,” Ministry said. Ministry also stated that with this move, Russia showed the international community that there is no obstacle in front of the efforts of the United Nations (UN) to create a humanitarian corridor for the shipment of agricultural products from Ukraine. It’s also emphasized that the Kyiv administration will prevent speculation about the food crisis that may be experienced because of Russia’s claim that it cannot export grain.

On the other hand, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak made a statement about the situation. “There are no longer Russian troops on Snake Island. Our armed forces have done a great job,” Yermak said.

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