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Dazzling Sunset Landscape Attracts Many in Hatay

A magnificent landscape formed in Türkiye's Hatay during sunset yesterday. The red sky reflecting on the Asi River, which passes through Syria and Lebanon before reaching Türkiye's Hatay, brought together many citizens who enjoy nature.…

Severe Tornado Wreaks Havoc in Samandağ, Hatay

A severe tornado occurred in the Samandağ district of Türkiye's Hatay province, where two devastating earthquakes struck on February 6. The tornado destroyed greenhouses of some citizens who produce vegetables, uprooted trees and damaged…

Cirrocumulus Clouds Appear over Samandağ District

The Samandağ district of Türkiye's Hatay's province got covered with 'Cirrocumulus' clouds, a high cloud type that occurs due to seasonal low temperatures in the morning hours. Due to their impressive granular shape consisting of ice…

Stunning Morning Moon Farewells Hatay Sky

In the picturesque setting of Hatay's Samandağ district in Türkiye, the full moon graced the morning sky, peeking through the clouds before bidding adieu. This stunning celestial display, witnessed by locals,…

Türkiye’s Hatay Battling With Severe Flooding

Following the meteorological warning of heavy rain, a downpour struck Türkiye's Hatay's Iskenderun district overnight, resulting in flooded streets. Waves, reaching a height of 5 meters, inundated the Iskenderun coast, leading to landslides…

Moon Halo Graces the Sky in Türkiye’s Hatay

The halo around the moon yesterday evening was observable from Türkiye's Hatay. The locals who noticed the unusual ring becoming more visible with each passing minute recorded the moments with phones. "I went out. At that moment, when I…

Half-Moon Illuminated Hatay Sky

The half-moon shining over Hatay's Samandağ district formed a captivating visual display. Its brightness turned the night into day, offering a picturesque scene that enchanted all who beheld it. Alican…

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