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man killed by freight train on level crossing

A man was killed by a freight train at a level crossing in Karabuk, Turkey. Although the barriers were closed on the level crossing, Karabük Municipality cleaning worker Abdülsamet Tunç, 24, was dragged for meters by a freight train without…

whole building collapses during demolition in Turkey

A building was heavily damaged in the 6.6 magnitude earthquake that occurred on October 30, 2020 in Izmir, Turkey, and it was decided to be demolished. The building was intended to be demolished in a safe, guided manner with construction…

Heimlich Maneuver saves teacher’s life

Ethics Teacher Canan Tüzer at 30 August Secondary School in Eskişehir, Turkey, was out of breath after raisins stuck in her throat. Tuğba Altıntaş, the assistant principal of the school, noticed the teacher, who collapsed on the ground, and…

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