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Eastern Turkey welcomes spring

Ormanağzı village of Erzurum's Olur district in eastern Turkey turned green with the arrival of spring. The blend of the foggy mountains with the green revealed postcard-like images. Nature Photographer Murat Kaya and Nature Photographer…

Diyarbakir’s historical side hosts fashion show

A famous company that keeps promoting the tourism-important regions of Turkey among its priorities has marked a big project in Diyarbakır. A digital platform fashion show was held at Ten Gözlü Bridge, Cemil Paşa Mansion and Goat Tower,…

Teams conduct fire drills in Marmaris

In Marmaris, Turkey forest and land teams comprised of volunteer citizens conducted a fire drill. 11 water tenders, 5 first response vehicles, 1 helicopter, 150 personnel, and 70 forest fire volunteers from Marmaris and Datça who had…

Manta Rays spotted near Marmaris shore in Turkey

Hamdi Çakıroğlu, a 55-year-old sailor and surfer living in Muğla's Marmaris district in Turkey, came across a school of Manta Rays, known to live in the ocean, on a boat ride with his son Necati Çakıroğlu. The father and son, who recorded…

Northern Adana, Turkey in spring

Feke and Saimbeyli, the northern counties of Adana in Turkey, are flooded with visitors, where shades of green offer a visual feast with spring. Feke Dam Lake enchanted its visitors with the greenery of the forest. Deniz Bozer, who lives…

Village with Storks in Turkey’s Osmaniye

In Turkey, storks that have nested on the minaret of the same mosque in the Sakarcalık village of Osmaniye for 45 years have become the symbol of the village. In 1977, storks made a nest on the minaret of a mosque for the first time, which…

Upside-Down Tulips bloom in Eastern Turkey

Upside-down tulips that grow in the mountainous regions of Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia in Turkey in the spring and are called the 'crying bride' among the locals, offer a visual feast. Upside-down tulips, which usually evoke sadness…

A Century-old Valpreda Apartment Building in Istanbul

Located in Kadıköy and one of the first apartment buildings in Istanbul, 'Valpreda Apartmanı' defies time with its 113-year history. The 7-storey, 14-apartment Valpreda Apartment building, built by Levi Kehribarcı as a residence in Kadıköy…

Migrant removal center opens in Turkey’s Kütahya

The "High Security Removal Center" built in Kütahya for foreigners who disrupt public order in Turkey and stay in the country illegally, will become operational within 2 months. Kütahya Provincial Immigration Administration Deputy Director…

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