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Tortum Lake: A Natural Marvel in Erzurum, Türkiye


Tortum Lake, situated in Erzurum’s Uzundere district, is a remarkable geological formation that originated in the 18th century when limestone blocks from Kemerlidağ slope obstructed the Tortum Stream, creating the stunning Tortum Waterfall. This natural wonder gave rise to an expansive lake measuring 8 kilometers in length, with a width ranging from 100 meters to 1,000 meters, at an elevation of 1,000 meters above sea level and a depth of around 100 meters. The surrounding area, including Balıklı village, a peninsula, and wooded zones, offers recreational opportunities, while the nearby Bozburun Peninsula is a popular destination for tourists and campers. Additionally, a small bird sanctuary at the southern end of Tortum Lake attracts various bird species, including all four vulture species native to Türkiye.


Taner Sarı

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