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pigeons photographed on turkish beach

Hundreds of pigeons have taken over Muğla beach in Turkey as the weather becomes colder. They were photographed enjoying the emptied beach that was once a hot spot for tourists during summer. Pigeons formed a joyful image. Güldemet Kızıl…

A moving trailer truck turns fireball in turkey

A moving trailer truck burst into flames on the TEM Highway at Sakarya-Duzce border in Turkey. According to local sources, the fire started due to an electrical contact. Firefighters who arrived at the scene quickly extinguished the fire.…

Fascinating full moon at Iran-Turkey Border

Charming full moon was observed in Van the city at te border of Turkey and Iran. Silhouette of a soldier of special operations forces who is on duty to stop crossing of migrants was seen at the same time. Yılmaz Sönmez - Şükrü Akyüz

nomads of turkey migrate

Nomads living in easternmost Turkey grass down sheep herds in city of Kars during summers. They continue migrating to Iğdır, another city in Turkey, to spend the winter. They set up tents on the hills regardless of cold weather, with…

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