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3 people wounded after a shootout in Kocaeli city

Couple of suspects with vehicles and a group of suspects already on street at Gaziler Neighborhood opened fire to each other, leading a shootout in Kocaeli city, Turkey. After the shootout, 65 years old Hasbi G., 46 years old Mesut E. and a…

person with space suit appears on istanbul metro

A person wearing space suit appeared taking the Istanbul metro in Turkey. The person looking like an astronaut drew passengers’ attraction as he travels around the city. Passengers took pictures of him, and enjoyed the unusual moments that…

pigeons photographed on turkish beach

Hundreds of pigeons have taken over Muğla beach in Turkey as the weather becomes colder. They were photographed enjoying the emptied beach that was once a hot spot for tourists during summer. Pigeons formed a joyful image. Güldemet Kızıl…

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