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controlled avalanche in russia
In order to prevent a possible avalanche disaster on Mount Elbrus in Russia, a controlled avalanche was carried out with cannon fire. The avalanche was created by the cannon placed by the Russian Emergencies Ministry. The images showing the…
huge dust storm strikes asutralia’s queensland
A huge dust storm struck northwest Queensland in Australia. The wind speed surpassed 100 kilometers per hour, which affected the towns of Mount Isa, Boulia, Dajarra and Urandangi. The dust storm was caused by thunderstorms in the north of…
thousands relocated, 14 died in malaysian flash floods
Death toll in Malaysian flash floods caused by heavy rain has climbed to 14, officials reported. Over 50,000 have been evacuated to safe areas. Villagers and local authorities are conducting search and rescue operations at one of the most…
paris hostage crisis: man yielding knife arrested
A man wielding a knife kidnapped two women in Paris's 12th district yesterday. According to police, the 56-year-old man who kidnapped a store manager and her daughter has been arrested by police. According to French Interior Minister Gerald…
russian bank employee robs bank, gets caught
Anna Grigorieva, 30, a bank employee in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, vanished with the money she stole after work. On December 6, Anna Grigorieve left the bank where she worked, carrying 15 million rubles, $49,000, and $49,000 euros in her purse…
Iran home to worlds smallest tea house
Haj Ali Darvish tea hosue is considered the world’s smallest tea house that serves hundreds in Iran’s capital Tehran. The tea house is on the national cultural heritage list of Iran, and has a history of 103 years. Haj Kazem Darvish has…
fresh footage emerged on russian prison violence
New footage of Russian prison violence emerged after images of torture and beating of prisoners were leaked to the Russian press in recent months. It was observed that violence was used against a prisoner who had an argument with the guards…
NATO publishes Christmas holiday footage
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) published a footage revealing troops from Estonia, France and the UK conducting stunt for Christmas holiday. NATO stated that the UK-led Forward Presence battlegroup in Estonia provided the platform…
Swiss Covid-19 cases soar, country introduces new measures
The Swiss government has announced new Covid-19 measures that goes into effect today. Accordingly, only those who have been vaccinated and recovered will be permitted to enter restaurants, cultural events, sports and similar activities.…
flash floods strike malaysia, killing at least 3
Flash floods caused by three days of heavy rain struck several Malaysian states, leaving at least 3 killed and thousands residents to be evacuated. Search and rescue operations are ongoing for those who trapped in their vehicles and homes.…