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snowstorm hits denmark

Severe snowstorm hit Denmark’s Aalborg, causing vehicles stuck on roads. Snow depth reached 30 centimeters in the evening. Customers and employees shopping at the furniture giant IKEA were trapped in the store. Six customers and about 24…

Nissan unveils lunar rover prototype

Nissan has unveiled a lunar rover prototype developed jointly with the Japan Space Exploration Agency (JAXA). The vehicle is designed for use on the lunar face and navigate the undulating lunar surface. The project development process…

two killed in australian flash floods

Flash floods from the Macintyre River inundated the town of Inglewood in Queensland, Australia. Two people were reported to dead. Hundreds of people were evacuated in the town as many households and workplaces were flooded. Queensland Fire…

3 people wounded after a shootout in Kocaeli city

Couple of suspects with vehicles and a group of suspects already on street at Gaziler Neighborhood opened fire to each other, leading a shootout in Kocaeli city, Turkey. After the shootout, 65 years old Hasbi G., 46 years old Mesut E. and a…

WHO: At least 23 countries reported cases of Omicron

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced at the media briefing on Covid-19 that at least 23 countries from five of six WHO regions have now reported cases of Omicron, and the number is expected…

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