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mexican coastal cities battle with hurricane olaf

Hurricane Olaf alert has been issued in Mexico. The speed of the hurricane reached 155 kilometers per hour, reaching ashore the city of San Jose del Cabo in the state of Baja California Sur in the south of the country. Power and…

putin warns world about afghanistan at BRICS summit

The 13th Summit of BRICS, which was founded by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, took place via teleconference hosted by India. Afghanistan was the main topic of the agenda at the summit. Evaluating the situation in…

russia sends communication satellite into space

In order to provide communication and internet service to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Cosmos-2551 satellite was sent into space by the Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) from the Plesetsk Space Base in the Arkhangelsk region,…

3 killed after fatal brake failure in mexico

On the highway between Mexico’s capital Mexico City and Puebla, a truck loaded with 20 tons of sugar crashed into the toll station due to brake failure. The truck driver, a state policeman and a toll booth worker were killed in the…

two russian astronauts go on space walk

Russian astronauts Oleg Novitsky and Pyotr Dubrov went on a spacewalk last July to work on ethernet, electricity and power units on the Nauka module that Russia sent to the International Space Station (ISS). Astronauts, who carried out the…

german healthcare workers go on strike in berlin

Employees of Vivantes and Charite Hospitals in Berlin, the capital of Germany, went on strike under the leadership of the VERDI Union, demanding better working conditions and acceptable minimum hourly wages. Nurses and midwives, as well as…

french cyclists visit turkey on their way to georgia

Six French cyclists came to Bayburt city in Turkey after visiting 10 countries on the tour they started from Europe months ago. The cyclists, who visited many cities of Turkey, reached Bayburt pedaling through Erzincan after about 10,000…

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