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South Korea, US conducts joint flight exercise

South Korea and the US Air Force conducts joint flight exercise in which 20 warplanes participated. The exercise was carried out today off the west coast of South Korea, the Ministry of National Defense of South Korea stated. 16 South Korean warplanes, including the F-35A, F-15K and KF-16, and 4 US F-16 warplanes took part in the joint flight, the statement read, adding that the exercise “shows the strong capability and determination of the two countries to respond quickly and accurately to North Korea’s provocations”.

North Korea conducted its 18th weapons test this year, firing 8 short-range ballistic missiles in a 35-minute span last Sunday. South Korea and the United States fired 8 short-range missiles in retaliation against Pyongyang in a joint firing exercise they held on Monday.

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