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Gaza Death Toll Climbs to 24,100

Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip persists for the 101st day, resulting in a staggering death toll of 24,100, with the majority being Palestinian civilians, including children and women. The latest statement from the Palestinian…

Breathtaking Sunsets on Lake Van in Türkiye

Edremit district in Türkiye is attracting attention for its picturesque sunsets reflected on Lake Van. The beautiful beaches of Lake Van offer a romantic view for visitors year-round. Tourists capturing the sunset on…

Turkish Farmer Protects Endangered Muş Tulip Species

Sinan Yıldırım, a farmer from Muş, Türkiye has not cultivated his field for almost a decade in order to protect the Muş tulip, an endemic species that grows naturally in the region. "We haven't been plowing our fields for years so that…

Nemrut Crater Lake in Türkiye captivates visitors

Türkiye's Nemrut Crater Lake, the country's largest crater lake, has received the 'Award of Excellence' and fascinates tourists with its beauty. Located in the Tatvan district of Bitlis, the lake welcomes visitors in both snowy and spring…

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