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War and Outages Drive Alternative Power Shift in Yemen

The world is moving more towards relying on alternative energy sources such as wind and solar every day. In Yemen, the ongoing war for about eight years has made it difficult to obtain fuel, but on the other hand, it has increased Yemenis'…

yemen celebrates 33rd anniversary of unity day

Yemenis gathered in Sanaa on Monday to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of Yemen's Unity Day. The day marks the unification of North and South Yemen, which was achieved on May 22, 1990. Yemen has been at war since late 2014, when the…

Yemeni Coffee: A Reawakening Legacy

The Yemeni coffee tree has garnered global recognition for its exceptional quality and abundant growth, serving as the national treasure of Yemen for many decades. Since the late 14th century, Yemen held a monopoly on the secrets of coffee…

Yemeni Girl Rescued from Flood Waters in Taiz

The recent heavy rains in southern Yemen have caused widespread flooding in Taiz, putting many lives at risk. In a recent incident, a little girl was swept away by the raging flood waters, but was rescued at the last minute by a…

Overflowing dam drowns 7 to death in Yemen

Al-Aqabi Dam, located in the Hafaş district of Al-Mahwit city in Yemen, collapsed due to heavy rain. Houses near the dam were flooded, and seven people died, according to initial reports. Search and rescue efforts continue in the area. Due…

Eid charity caused stampede in Yemen, killing 78 people

A stampede broke out during the delivery of aid worth around $9 per individual in a school in Yemen's capital, Sana'a, due to Eid al-Fitr. At least 78 people were killed and more than 100 were injured as a result of the stampede. The…

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